Monday, October 6 2008

Of Values and Grades

A label from Stiftung Warentest

A few days ago, as I was surfing along the message board The Local, I ended up on this survey (which I can't take, cos I'm too old, *pout*). So I browsed the different questionnaires, to see. One thing struck me about the value scales (1 to 5) and how the 1 was to represent the worst and the 5 the  […]

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Saturday, October 4 2008

Why the French Don't Speak Any Other Language

Now here is a commonplace. I believe I have heard this a million times. The French are terrible, they won't ever speak to you in English or any other language and if you address them in English, they'll be very unpolite and unfriendly. I have been thinking about this a lot, and I thought I'd share  […]

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Wednesday, October 1 2008

Stereotypes Are Not Always a Bad Thing


Anyone who has never seen in their mind's eye the chauvinistic Frenchman running around with his béret and his baguette (and the occasional stinky camembert and bottle of red wine) when they thought about the French and anyone who has never thought that the Germans are orderly and always on time  […]

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Sunday, September 28 2008

She's not Swiss-Swiss

I came across a tweet by Rashunda today (and if you don't know Rashunda, run to her blog, it's very smart and witty) which rang a bell. I wrote a few days ago about our Culture Comfort Zone and Rashunda's words awoke more thought about this whole "noticing stuff". The tweet said the new  […]

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Thursday, September 25 2008

I don't spreche Deutsch, merci beaucoup

My Firefox language preferences

Well, actually, I do speak German, but I hate it (If I dared, I'd write the hate bold in font size 40 and with four exclamation marks) when a website speaks to me in German. I mean, my language preferences are clear in Firefox, there's even only French and English so why a website should speak to me  […]

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Wednesday, September 24 2008

Immigrant, the Golden Side

Following a comment on a previous post, I ended up on this blog. It's a cool blog, too bad it's dormant. I browsed through and read this post, a personal experience about this serious and interesting subject that is selective immigration [1] . I've always had restless feet. I left France when I was  […]

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Saturday, September 20 2008

Lack of Words Sinked Ship

I came across a Reuters story about Henry the VIII's ship the Mary Rose while browsing Intercultural Communication and Translation News. The idea that a ship could sink because the crew could not understand the orders that would have saved their life is quite an interesting metaphor for the world we  […]

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Friday, September 19 2008

Culture Comfort Zone

I've just read this post at and it reminded me of something that has bothered me for the longest time. For as long as I can remember, I've always felt some kind of guilt pang to see someone in the street and that the first thing I notice is their skin color, the shape of their  […]

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