when you're a stranger

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Monday, January 17 2011

What Is Your Single Story?

A few weeks ago, I watched a fantastic talk by Chimamanda Adichie about "The Danger of A Single Story". The talk is a year old, but the message is ageless. It made me think about what my stories of "single stories" are. I have a few, actually, here is one that particularly struck  […]

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Monday, September 7 2009

Tell Me How You Eat I Will Tell You Who You Are

Practical - © Brian Boulos, CC-BY

J'ai toujours trouvé intéressant d'observer comment les gens se tiennent à table dans les différents pays. Lorsqu'on se trouve à table dans un pays dont on ne connaît pas les manières, il est toujours difficile de savoir si ce qui relève du savoir-vivre chez soi ne sera pas interprété comme une action hautement impolie ailleurs. Mais peut-être est-ce seulement mon éducation française qui joue...

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Wednesday, October 1 2008

Stereotypes Are Not Always a Bad Thing


Anyone who has never seen in their mind's eye the chauvinistic Frenchman running around with his béret and his baguette (and the occasional stinky camembert and bottle of red wine) when they thought about the French and anyone who has never thought that the Germans are orderly and always on time  […]

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Sunday, September 28 2008

She's not Swiss-Swiss

I came across a tweet by Rashunda today (and if you don't know Rashunda, run to her blog, it's very smart and witty) which rang a bell. I wrote a few days ago about our Culture Comfort Zone and Rashunda's words awoke more thought about this whole "noticing stuff". The tweet said the new  […]

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Tuesday, August 5 2008

Why Is Your French So Good?

Now that is a question I was asked twice last week-end. People who heard me speaking French to my 6-month old daughter asked me how come I spoke so good French. I am not sure what to think about the question, really. The proud side of me that loved to think that I am good at languages really  […]

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