October 2008 (6)

Wednesday, October 29 2008

Immigrants, What Countries Are Importing People?

International immigrants map

It's interesting to see how people are migrating across the globe. I came across this map thanks to Alexandra while we were socializing at the Frankfurt Girl Geek Dinner. International immigrants The size of each territory indicates the number of international immigrants living there. The United  […]

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Wednesday, October 15 2008

Trick Question: Where Do You Come From?

I arrived yesterday afternoon in sunny Lisbon, Portugal for the Shift Conference where I am giving a talk. Lisbon, for what I have seen so far (the modern part), is a very beautiful city and I'm already loving it. As I arrived, I joined up with a few Shiftians and we started introducing ourselves.  […]

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Wednesday, October 8 2008

The Bowl Theory

from Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch - Deutsch als Fremdschprache

I'm being lazy today, and I am just translating an article I wrote quite some time ago on my other (dead) blog, which explores the way words are interpreted with a cultural filter. The full title for this post was The Bowl Theory, or The Dictionary Has its Reasons Which Reason Does Not Know [1] Let  […]

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Monday, October 6 2008

Of Values and Grades

A label from Stiftung Warentest

A few days ago, as I was surfing along the message board The Local, I ended up on this survey (which I can't take, cos I'm too old, *pout*). So I browsed the different questionnaires, to see. One thing struck me about the value scales (1 to 5) and how the 1 was to represent the worst and the 5 the  […]

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Saturday, October 4 2008

Why the French Don't Speak Any Other Language

Now here is a commonplace. I believe I have heard this a million times. The French are terrible, they won't ever speak to you in English or any other language and if you address them in English, they'll be very unpolite and unfriendly. I have been thinking about this a lot, and I thought I'd share  […]

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Wednesday, October 1 2008

Stereotypes Are Not Always a Bad Thing


Anyone who has never seen in their mind's eye the chauvinistic Frenchman running around with his béret and his baguette (and the occasional stinky camembert and bottle of red wine) when they thought about the French and anyone who has never thought that the Germans are orderly and always on time  […]

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