Tag - name

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Wednesday, January 28 2009

Choosing a Name: The Last Name


Choisir un nom de famille pour son enfant. Il fut un temps où la chose était plutôt simple, mais la loi et les mouvements migratoires font de ce qui pourrait être une aventure simple un parcours du combattant. Entre le double nom et les doubles tirets, donner un nom de famille à notre fille aura été une vraie gageure.

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Wednesday, October 8 2008

The Bowl Theory

from Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch - Deutsch als Fremdschprache

I'm being lazy today, and I am just translating an article I wrote quite some time ago on my other (dead) blog, which explores the way words are interpreted with a cultural filter. The full title for this post was The Bowl Theory, or The Dictionary Has its Reasons Which Reason Does Not Know [1] Let  […]

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Wednesday, April 23 2008

Choosing a Name: The First Name

I never got around to telling the story of our daughter's name. It is, indeed, one heck of a story, which starts even before she was born. You have to remember that she has a German father and a French mother. This led, before her birth, to endless dicussions about what names are suitable in both  […]

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