Étonnamment, je me sens plus française à l'étranger que lorsque je suis en France. Un sentiment difficile à décrire, parce qu'il est fait de nombreuses choses quelque peu triviales, autant que de choses fondamentales, mais que je ne sais pas décrypter de façon objective.
Tag - perso
Wednesday, April 23 2008
Choosing a Name: The First Name
Wednesday, April 23 2008. everyday life
I never got around to telling the story of our daughter's name. It is, indeed, one heck of a story, which starts even before she was born. You have to remember that she has a German father and a French mother. This led, before her birth, to endless dicussions about what names are suitable in both […]
Friday, November 16 2007
About "Ceci n'est pas une endive"
Friday, November 16 2007. on my way
This blog has been turning in my head for quite a long time, actually ever since I gave a presentation at Wikimania last year in Taipei, about cultural differences. The name is a funky one, but has a real history. First, why an endive? Well, even though I did not really participate in it, the […]