July 2008 (3)

Saturday, July 26 2008

I Am Not One of Them

Via Olivier, in Ici & Ailleurs, I discovered La lanterne brisée some time ago. And the first post I read was one called Regards, which means Looks (as in gaze, not as in what you look like). I won't translate the whole cartoon, but know that basically, the main character (the author) is in Japan  […]

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Friday, July 25 2008

Distance to Power, Somewhere in the Middle

One of the book that sits on my night stand in the pile "to read" is a book by Geert Hofstede, called Cultures and Organizations, Intercultural Coorperation and its Importance for Survival. Hofstede is one of the most invoked gurus of intercultural communication, and although I yet have to  […]

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Thursday, July 24 2008

When it comes to roots

The last few weeks have been hectic, as I was working on the 4th annual Wikimedia conference, Wikimania. It happened this year in Egypt, in Alexandria. And it took all of my time for the past two months. So although I gave a glimpse of my Egyptian travels, I never got to write about the most  […]

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