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Saturday, July 4 2009

Animals Too Speak Foreign Languages

Coq gaulois de la statue des Girondins place des Quinconces à Bordeaux © Jean-Marie DAVID Dinkley, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Les onomatopées utilisées pour les cris d'animaux sont très différentes d'une langue à l'autre. Entre le "cocorico" français, le "cocka doodle doo" anglais et le kikiriki français, je me demande comment notre fille va apprendre à faire parler les animaux.

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Thursday, March 27 2008

The language before the language

I am still reading the book about bilingualism and before I write a more detailled review about it, I wanted to share my last experiences in terms of communication and languages. As you may know, or not, we had a baby. Emma was born a few weeks ago and I must say that the greatest challenge her  […]

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